Join Us

We’re optimistic. We’re ambitious. We’re obsessive. We’re compassionate. We’re thoughtful. We’re courageous.
We’re hiring.


Our mission is to heal and transform the people who are creating the future. So they can build technology companies that will heal and transform the world.

We do this by building transformational products that are rooted in - and therefore enable - courage, compassion, and authenticity. We are driven by an unrelenting connection with our trust in the good that people are capable of when they’re given the tools, encouragement, and space to do what they know is right.

We build tools for the people creating the future, at a time in our history when every aspect of life on earth is being touched by technology. As we achieve our ambition, our users grow ever more capable of building technology and technology companies that will transform our world into one that is more courageous, ethical, compassionate, and healed.

Questions We’re Exploring

  • What changes when startup founders execute from their authenticity? How? Who benefits? Why?

  • How does execution and leadership change when it’s unconstrained by fear and based instead in trust and self-belief?

  • How can we have the deepest impact on the most people?

  • How can technology replicate human relationships? How should it?

  • What is the place of technology and AI within human, healing relationships?

  • How can technology - especially AI - be leveraged to heal people, and therefore to scale previously unscale-able relational products like coaching and therapy?

  • How can technology - especially AI - be used to heal non-human things, like ecosystems, economies, or governments?

  • How can AI hear what’s unspoken?

  • How can technology help humans build healthy relationships - with ourselves, with others, with the planet, and with it?

  • What happens after we die? How should that inform on how we live?

  • Is it possible to build a venture-backed, wildly ambitious company in a way that is healthy, compassionate, ethical, and reciprocal?

  • Can ethical leadership succeed within capitalism? What does it look like? Who does it privilege and who does it not?

Open Roles

Founding Engineer.

Partner with Amy to build software that supports founders at scale.

We’re recruiting a YC-funded, full-stack engineer with uncommon empathy and experience shipping great-feeling, user-facing products (b2b or b2b2c). Ideally you identify as a craftsman and coding is your flow state. We’re looking for someone with the ability to integrate existing language models into user-facing products.


We’re looking for a freelance illustrator who can add visual clarity to written content about psychology, emotions, relationships, and other topics that are invisible and typically felt rather than seen. Ideally you’re a deeply emotional being whose logical brain likes things to be very simple and your work beautifully organizes complexity - both on the web and in print.

Open call for collaboration

Do you want to contribute to The Founder Coach’s vision but don’t see an open role that suits you?

We’re always open to collaborating with founders who want to build hugely impactful products that enable the personal and professional growth of other founders.

We’re especially keen to work with founders whose ideas were born out of their own experience running a startup, who now feel called to build the tools they wish they’d had.