Find a Founder Coach

We make it fast and easy to connect founders with experienced coaches who can optimize your growth to meet the demands of your startup.

Go deeper with our trusted network of founder coaches

Our coaches are former YC Founders, YC Visiting Partners, ex-operators, and psychotherapists who have deep experience scaling startups, a passion for supporting founders, and extensive training so your growth will be guided by experts who know what it takes to execute at the highest level.

 Click a button. Get a coach.

How it works

We’ve been matchmaking founders with coaches for 8 years. We quickly scope your needs, introduce you to a curated list of best-in-class coaches, and guide you in making the best decision for you and your startup.


Submit your brief to our network of trusted coaches.


Get matched in 3 days with coaches who have the experience and availability to scale you.


Schedule intro calls and choose your coach from there.

Optimize your growth with personalized coaching

Match with a coach in our network for personalized, ongoing support that will enable you to scale at the speed of your startup

Strengthen cofounder

Manage cofounder relationships & stress by addressing persistent conflicts, fostering better communication, and finding alignment

Find an accountability partner

Your coach will act as a forcing function for your growth and execution, ensuring you stay focused and accountable to achieving your ambitious goals

Build psychological resilience

Develop self awareness and tools for psychological mastery that enable you to experience the high highs and low lows without undue suffering

Become proactive, not reactive

Reduce the overwhelm, stress, and fear that exhausts founders by learning new skills to stay thoughtful and responsive to fires erupting from your startup’s growth

Leadership & team management

Grow as a leader by managing a fast-growing team, delivering effective feedback, establishing a high bar for excellence, and balancing accountability with high morale

Continuous learning & growth

Your startup’s success is directly correlated to the rate at which you continuously grow, learn, and adapt. Coaching offers a personalized growth plan so your growth never bottlenecks your startup’s


  • Coaching is a relationship that achieves personal and professional growth via startup.

    That said, every coach offers a unique service based off their experience, so every coach might define their work differently.

    In contrast to coaching, therapy achieves personal growth via relationship (especially the relationship you have with yourself) and its benefits flow downstream into professional growth as well.

    You can read more about the difference between coaching and therapy here.

    Amy will challenge you to step outside of your constraints and find the best-possible path forward - for you, for your startup, and for the world.

  • Amy's been matchmaking founders with trusted, experienced coaches for nearly a decade.

    After you submit the form, your brief will be automatically socialized with the coaches in our network. They'll review and let us know if they have the experience and availability to support you.

    Within 2-3 days, we'll send you a curated list of the coaches that will best support you and your startup scale, and we'll facilitate direct introductions to get those conversations moving.

    Once we introduce you, you'll set up calls to interview, vet, and assess which coach is the best fit for you.

    We'll check in to support you every step of the way to ensure you're making the best decision possible.

  • We've standardized the minimum price of coaching so you can assess coaches based on your sense of 'fit.' All the coaches in The Founder Coach network charge the same base rate - paid for by your startup - which depends on your startup's stage:

    • Pre-seed founders or founders between startups: No min or max fee, suggested range of $50-$250/hr

    • Seed-stage founders (pre-Series A): min. $350/hr

    • Post-Series A founders: min. $2500/mo

    • Post-Series B founders (through IPO and beyond): min. $3500/mo

    Coaches may still charge more than the minimums listed. We encourage you to bring concerns and questions about pricing directly to the coaches we match you with.

    Transparently, The Founder Coach will receive a referral fee for any contracts signed through this process (paid for by the coach).

  • No.

    It's paid for by the startup (typically out of a 'leadership and professional development' budget line item.

  • We'll introduce you to the 2-4 coaches from our network that we think are the best fit for you given your needs and stage, and the coach's experience, training, focus, and availability.

  • ‘Fit’ is subjective, which means choosing the right coach is an exercise in listening to yourself and making a judgment call based on your own sense of what you need. When you connect with each coach, listen to your head: ‘Did I learn something new and helpful from this person?’ And listen to your gut: ‘Do I trust this person and did I enjoy talking to them?’

    Every coach offers something unique based off their experience, training, and worldview. While every coach’s offerings are different, you can trust that their inclusion in TFC’s network means that they have a proven track record of supporting other founders.

  • No.

    Coaching and therapy are different and we do not offer recommendations to therapy or therapists. You can read more about the difference between coaching and therapy here.

    Some of the coaches in our network are trained and licensed psychotherapists who are former founders or operators, and we think this is a powerful combination of clinical skill and practical expertise for any founder looking for a coach. When we refer founders to these coaches, it is important to know that they are not practicing under, or using their psychotherapy license when they offer coaching services.

Email with questions.

Work with Amy

Coach to thousands of the world’s best startup founders at Y Combinator

Explore partnering with the OG who invented the category of ‘Founder Coaching.’ Amy typically works with founders at or around their Series A who are struggling to scale themselves at the same pace as their startup’s growth.