To do something you’ve never done before, you have to become someone you’ve never been before.

Amy is a psychotherapist who coached thousands of the world’s best startup founders at Y Combinator

Amy is a licensed psychotherapist who was hired as Y Combinator’s first Batch Director and became YC’s in-house Founder Coach. While running and scaling the YC batches, she coached nearly 1000 early-stage founders at YC, and has coached nearly 1000 later-stage founders since opening her coaching practice in 2019. Amy knows what’s normal - and what isn’t - about running a high-growth startup from seed stage through IPO.

YC Founders have been Amy’s core user for nearly a decade. The coaching, content, and workshops she offers come from her depth and breadth of her experience in working with, supporting, and deeply understanding the founder’s lived experience running a startup.

Amy empowers founders to scale in three areas

  • Amy helps founders build self awareness, emotional intelligence, and a toolbox of skills to manage the intense emotions that come along with running a startup. She’ll support you in learning how to deploy emotions in your relationships and strategic decisions when needed. She’ll also help clarify your thinking, analyze your options, and develop new cognitive frameworks to overcome all the novel, complex challenges your startup will present you with.

    Amy will challenge you to step outside of your constraints and find the best-possible path forward - for you, for your startup, and for the world.

  • Amy coaches founders through the transition from IC to manager, to manager of managers, to seasoned exec leading a fully-aligned, quickly-moving, high-performance team. You’ll learn how to build trust by communicating honestly and openly with your cofounders, you’ll learn management skills that will align your team, and you’ll develop an authentic leadership style that will result in an effective and values-aligned c-suite and board.

  • Deploying the right process at the right time will maximize your leadership and increase efficiency while minimizing thrash in your team. Amy guides founders through creating and deploying culture and process for the first time, and iterating from there as your internal structure grows alongside your product and team.

Amy is a licensed psychotherapist who worked with thousands of startup founders as Y Combinator’s first Batch Director and only in-house Founder Coach. No coach in the world can match Amy’s breadth of experience with founders and her depth of understanding how the pressure, stress, chaos, and joy of running a startup can impact a founder’s psychology, relationships, and well-being.

Amy brings the full force of her experience - and over a decade of clinical skill - into her work as a coach. She guides founders in becoming resilient, authentic, wise, confident, and capable leaders through every twist and turn of scaling a startup. She also brings unrelenting belief and optimism in your highest vision of yourself, your startup, and the world.

Operating Principles

These are the non-negotiable values that guide my decisions and form the foundation of the partnership I offer to founders and products I offer to the world.

  • This is a function of empathy. It reflects my belief that you have everything you need to succeed and that our task is to discover, reveal, and apply your existing capability to the challenge you’re facing. The path forward begins exactly where you are, and we’ll find a step forward for you whether we’re starting from your limitation or your strength.

  • This is a function of love, which in its highest form is given freely without expectation. I offer the support that I believe will best serve you given what I know, and leave you fully free to make your own choice about what’s right - or wrong - in applying that to your startup. I will not upsell, spam, or push any particular direction on you because I preference the integrity of your decisionmaking, the dignity of your knowing, and your freedom of choice over my revenue (and ego). I don’t need you to listen to me. I need you to do what you know is right to do, and I will support you in clarifying and moving forward in whatever direction that is.

  • This is a function of nonjudgment. Your internal experience is morally neutral. You think and feel and believe what you do because of your life experiences - not because anything about you is inherently good or bad. Absent judgment, we’ll look instead at the function of your actions, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and values. Do they help you achieve your vision? Do they hinder you? We’ll maximize the aspects of you that support your highest ambitions, and make a thoughtful choice about how to change, heal, or downsize what doesn’t.

  • This is a function of trust and courage - and directly related to my years at YC where I heard hundreds of off-the-record talks about how the best founders achieved their success. Spoiler: Every successful founder’s story is unique. This means that your path to success will not look like anyone else’s. Nor should it. Your startup gives you the opportunity to make choices - big, small, major, minor, daily, strategic - that will enable you to build a product no one else ever has before, because no one else has ever been you. This is how your startup will enable your authenticity, if you let it - because it’s an expression of you. Your authenticity is how you’ll become an outlier, and only outliers win in SV. You win by being yourself. This is simple but not always easy, and my commitment is to support you in courageously executing from your authenticity.

  • This is a function of optimism, which I personally can’t distinguish from hope or faith. I believe in making choices that protect and enable the greatest possibilities for all living beings. I believe that our inability to tolerate the fear and ambiguity that come from many unknown, unending paths forces doors closed that don’t need to be shut. Humans have a tendency to preference certainty over possibility because knowing is emotionally easier to tolerate than not-knowing. But until you yourself make the call to shut down your startup, I will always believe in the possibility of your startup succeeding, in your ability to find a way through, and in your ambitious dream being ground into reality and taking shape IRL.

  • This is a function of reciprocity and healthy ego. I am an expert in founder psychodynamics and will teach you what I know. But you are the expert of you and I am necessarily your student. Partnership with me should feel like a co-created exchange where your expertise, wisdom, agency, and self-knowledge are paired with mine so we can discover together how to apply what I offer.







YC Podcast with Michael Seibel - Founder Coaching & Having Hard Conversations




Trusted by the world’s best founders

Work with Amy

Amy typically works with founders at or around their Series A who are struggling to scale themselves at the same pace as their startup’s growth.