Group Office Hours

Live group coaching with Amy where you can learn the skills you need to overcome your toughest emotional and relationship challenges.

Dive deep into the advice in The User Manual and learn to make each skill your own

Scale to meet the demands of your startup by learning skills to manage your toughest emotional and relationship challenges in live workshops led by Amy

Upcoming Workshops


27 Sept
9-10:15am PT

8 Nov
9-10:15am PT

22 Nov
9-10:15am PT

Processing Your Emotions is a Competitive Advantage

All founders have feelings. Learn how to process your emotions and use your emotions as data that can give you a competitive edge.

4 Oct
9-10:15am PT

Fear, Anxiety, and Trust

Startups are high-risk moonshots, and the default emotion in startups is fear. When founders internalize this, they feel anxious, make bad decisions and suffer. Explore how fear helps you, how it hurts you, and learn to generate ‘trust’ as the counterbalance to the fear you feel as a founder.

11 Oct
9-10:15am PT

25 Oct
9-10:15am PT

6 Dec
9-10:15am PT

Dreams and Visions

Founders need a vision to raise money, hire, and stay motivated - and dreaming is a skill that can be mastered. This Group Office Hours breaks 'visioning' out from the mystical and turns it into an actionable skill you can master that will improve your startup (and the world).

Lean into the Level 3 Conversation

Tough conversations require courage, clarity, and connection - and they’re required to maintain strong cofounder relationships. Come to this Group Office Hours with your hairiest communication challenges and learn how to conduct honest, authentic, and productive level 3 conversations.

Making Overwhelm Manageable

“There’s so much to do and it never stops.” This Group Office Hours offers strategies for you to work with your overwhelm, using it to become antifragile instead of letting it collapse you.

Become a Feedback Monster

Stock your management toolbox and supercharge your team by learning to give effective performance, relationship, and trust feedback.


Guilt stops founders from wise action, clear communication, and honesty. Learn to develop agency over your guilt so it doesn’t slow you down, block you, or increase the suffering you feel as you run your startup.

Master the skills that slow down your competitors

Build emotional resilience

Learn to use your emotions as data that can help you execute quickly without getting blocked, ensuring you stay focused and effective through every challenge.

Communicate & connect

Learn to communicate clearly and authentically, building strong relationships with your cofounders, team, and board for a cohesive, high-performance org.

Lead with authenticity

Through the stress and pressure of building a startup, discover your true self and lead with authenticity, turning every blocker into a strategic advantage.

Deliver effective feedback

Master the art of giving constructive, honest feedback that drives results, helping your team move quickly and achieve your startup’s potential.

Evolve without bottlenecking

Transition from individual contributor to manager and beyond, avoiding growth bottlenecks and ensuring your leadership evolves alongside your headcount.

Reduce fear and overwhelm

Maintain healthy paranoia about what’s mission-critical while developing skills to reduce your fear, stress, anxiety, and overwhelm so your performance remains focused and high-octane.

Be the first to hear about new events

The Group Office Hours schedule is released periodically. Opt into schedule updates so you never miss the chance to scale yourself.

Join the Slack.

Keep the conversation going after Group Office Hours. Keeping asking questions, engaging with the content, and scaling yourself with other ambitious founders in The Founder Coach Slack, moderated by Amy.

Please read this Guide to Slack before joining.

Amy has coached thousands of the world’s best startup founders at Y Combinator.

Amy is a licensed psychotherapist who was hired as Y Combinator’s first Batch Director and became YC’s in-house Founder Coach. While running and scaling the YC batches, she coached nearly 1000 early-stage founders at YC, and has coached nearly 1000 later-stage founders since opening her coaching practice in 2019.

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