
The common thread that runs through everything I’ve spoken about today - is trust. You trusting yourself. Trusting your cofounder. Trusting that your perspective, and your feelings are valid. Trusting that you’ve gotten this far, and trusting that you’ll keep making it through.

You can trust that no one in the world knows your product better than you. No one knows more than you do - about your users, your market, your unique insight, your expertise, your team, or your vision. You’re it. You’re the expert.

These days there’s more content than ever out there from previous founders, investors, and advisors about how to build startups - there’s literally a coach for everything. It’s easy for founders to get tricked into thinking all that content means there’s a ‘right way’ and a ‘wrong’ way to build a startup.

The right way will always be you applying what you know to every situation you’re in. The right way will always be you sifting through your thoughts, your emotions, your values, your beliefs, and your experiences to figure out what’s best for you and your company right now.

Listen to yourself - stay connected. Trust yourself. The world needs more leaders who know trust, especially in tech - and you’re it.


Conviction & Fundraising


How to Process Your Emotions