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Dreams and Visions


Dreaming isn’t optional for startup founders: Early stage founders are graded on their ability to dream when investors decide whether to invest in their TAM and the long-range view of their product when it’s just a feature set and a founding team. A later stage founders’ vision is table stakes for motivating the team and recruiting top performers who need to be persuaded that their equity will actually be worth their time.

A founder’s vision is also often their passion, and sometimes the only thing that continues to motivate them when every other reason to keep going has died off.

Founders scale themselves when they know how to bring their vision out from the ether and into reality. This Group Office Hours teaches visioning as a hard skill that founders can master and use to improve their execution, their startup, and the world.

What You’ll Learn:

  • A founder-friendly framework to understand and work with ‘vision’

  • How visioning helps founders execute

  • The failure and hero modes of dreaming

  • Tools and strategies to define your vision, integrate it into your strategy and decision-making, and communicate effectively about it

  • Strategies to stay motivated by your vision and not be crushed by the weight/scale of it

  • How to maintain a connection to your vision to avoid burnout

  • What it feels like to connect with other founders who are dreaming big dreams, openly amplifying and encouraging one another


Your Host

​Amy is a licensed psychotherapist who was hired as Y Combinator’s first Batch Director and became YC’s in-house Founder Coach. While running and scaling the YC batches, she coached nearly 1000 early-stage founders at YC, and she’s coached nearly 1000 later-stage founders since launching The Founder Coach in 2019.



We keep each others’ secrets safe.

The foundation of Group Office Hours is trust: By signing up, we commit to keeping each others’ secrets safe. Confidentiality is what allows founders to open up and get the support they need from this time together. We all commit to maintaining the trust and confidentiality of the group in order to sustain it.

If you share content or information from Group Office Hours with a person or organization who did not participate in the event, you and your entire startup will be neverlisted from all The Founder Coach products, services, offerings, and events going forward. Any tickets you’ve purchased will be forfeited and you will not be refunded.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

Group Office Hours is only for startup founders.

We are exclusive to startup founders in order to create an environment of connection, mutuality, emotional safety, and shared understanding.

The invitation to Group Office Hours does not extend to investors, coaches, journalists, execs, startup employees, etc. If you are not a founder and try to attend a Group Office Hours, you will be removed from the call and neverlisted from all The Founder Coach products, services, offerings, and events going forward. Any tickets you’ve purchased to future events will be forfeited and you will not be refunded.

October 4

Fear, Anxiety, and Trust